Thursday, June 9, 2011

Adventures of Super "T"

Keeping up with my little man has been quite adventurous (read: tiresome), lately.  Each morning (or if he's really on top of things, before bed each night) he'll want to know what we have planned for the day and who we are scheduled to see. It's caused me to keep a pretty tight schedule each week, which I, too, enjoy.  He's quite the social  butterfly, and I can't really blame him. I'm sure part of it is that he is an only child, and desires playmates more his age, rather than his mother who can't quite keep up while playing "Super Hero" on the playground.  Another part of it, though, is simply that he loves people, new or familiar, young and old. He'll introduce himself to the check-out lady at the grocery store, fellow gawkers at the zoo or to nearby passengers on an airplane.

Recently, an evening adventure thanks to Daddy's prompting was a trip to the Bay Beach Wildlife Sanctuary here in the Frozen Tundra.  Tommy loves animals, but isn't too fond of goose droppings.  We enjoyed a sunny, warm walk this week and I was thankful I brought my camera. These are memories I treasure, if I can remember them (my memory is awful); if not, I pray that I never lose my hard drive. (Please, try not to be offended by the sign language that he is due for a potty break.)


Happy Adventuring, to you.

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