Saturday, November 22, 2008

3 Reasons "Frydays" are still great ...

When I quit my job so I could become and then stay a stay-at-home mama, I was a bit sad that I wouldn't enjoy the excitment of a Friday afternoon. You know when you sit at your desk, and realize that you have the next 2.5 days to be at home or at play with your husband, planning lunches with friends, and just lounging at home doing nothing.

But, I realize now, I actually think I look forward to weekends more now! I'm so worn out by Friday afternoon after a weeks worth of chasing around a spunky, cuddly, 14 month old that when 5:00 hits and Mr. Wonderful walks in, I'm completely stoked for the next 2.5 days of fun, rest, adult conversation and family time. But, this weekend, I'll be more specific and name 3 reasons why this "Fryday"is bringing an especially, special weekend.

1. Chick Flick night with a fun friend - all inclusive, with Caramel Turtle Brownies, popcorn, and cranberry/sierra mist free/o.j. beverages. Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants II wasn't quite as good as the book, but let's be honest, are they ever?
2. Special contest hosted by my favorite Blog Princess and her charming, Royal MckFamily. I love her passion for photography, children, the Midwest and most of all, Christ alone.
3. Dinner date with my favorite husband. Yay, for babysitters :)

Thursday, November 20, 2008

First Day at a new school

My first day riding the bus to a new school, and I was 8 yrs. old. The bus I rode serviced two different schools, and I got off at the wrong one. I didn't even know I was at the wrong school until I saw that my uniform didn't match the others waiting to go inside, and the bus had pulled away. Ugh, terrible memory!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Wow...Two is fun, different and exhausting!

Well, today I had the honor and privelege of watching my favorite neice, M! She and T are down napping right now, but to get them there was a hoot! My favorite snippet involves a toilet, a wet Dora pull-up, and a crawling little boy coming to see what all the fuss is about. He, of course, needed to sniff and taste the pretty, pink, wet, diaper. Yuck.

Holy man, two toddlers are a handful. It makes me wonder how some of my friends with 4 kiddos under the age of 5 ever do it. MckMama, for one is quite inspiring. By the Grace of a very Good God, I assume. And a lot of patience...yeah, that I should probably keep working on that.

The crazy thing is that M is actually the age that Anna would have been. I was due with Anna four days later than my sister-in-law was due with M. Anna, of course, came early but M was right on time. Every minute I spend with my niece is a gift, and I am so thankful that she was born a girl. I guess some might think that I look at her and greive Anna every day, but I don't. Is that stange? I look at her and think of how Soveriegn our LORD is, and ponder all the things I know I will never understand on this Earth.

Well, while I have a few precious moments of quiet in this house, I should do some laundry.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

My name is....and I'm a nail-biter

As long as I can remember, I've had a wicked habit.
I never realized how disgusting of a habit it was, until I watched someone else bite his nails.
And then I realized how gross it is to watch someone chew on their fingers.
I do it when I'm bored, or nervous, or anxious or extremely uncomfortable.
It's an awful habit; but a comforting one, at the same, disgusting time.
My name is Jamie, and I bite my nails.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

LT Walking!

My LT's finally learning to walk! He'll be 14 months this week.