Once upon a time, 7-8 years , I was a counselor at a camp out in Pennsylvania. During one of our "active" times (I was a cheerleader, leading a team cheer) I got an elbow smack, right in my eyeball. Later that evening we discovered it had actually caused a moderate concussion and went to the ER. But, the black-eye was the worst I'd ever seen. I had been dating Mr. Wonderful for going on 2 years, and upon my arrival back to the cities, he picked me up commented on my shiner and we went on a walk around one of the popular lakes nearby.
Well, as he left to pay the meter, a cop stopped me. Asked me if I was alright, and gave me a card with the number of the police station if I ever "needed help." I was so angry at the time, and tried to defend my wonderful, gentle, kind boyfriend, but he just gave me a look like he knew I was trying to cover something up! Looking back, I laugh and think how kind it really was of this officer to offer help...
So, a week ago, when I developed my second major facial contusion, I knew more questions were coming. Let me explain.
T had fallen asleep in the car, and I tried to keep him that way as I traveled up the stairs. I had forgotten, however, that I had just recently put up the baby gate at the top of the stairwell, since T has been so mobile and quick as of late. Before I realized what was happening, I began to topple forward over the gate. I did my best to maintain balance, but T's "hard as a rock" forehead cracked right into my upper right cheek bone. No padding there, trust me.
Amazingly, T remained unhurt, and went right into his crib for a long afternoon nap. I fought off tears, and watched my cheekbone balloon out of my face (literally, I could see it growing) as I ran down the freezer to grab a bag of frozen blueberries.
So, once again, I have received concerned calls about this nasty bruise and some just pretend they don't notice it, so not to make me uncomfortable. But if this is anything like last time, this shiner will be around for a full 2-3 weeks before it'll fade away.
Isn't it ironic that, my hubby, the most gentle, kind & loving man on the earth married the most bruise magnetic woman? At least those who know him at all will know that he wouldn't have hurt me, even if I asked him to.