Tuesday, March 24, 2009


The human capacity for emotion.
The ability to feel anger, hurt, empathy, love and fear all at once is puzzling to me.

Monday, March 23, 2009

One Minute Writer: Imitate

Short answer: Jesus.
But, I know that because he was sinless, and I am sinful, that will never happen. The wonderful news of the gospel is that God the Father sees me as righteous as Christ is, because I am covered by the blood Jesus shed on the Cross. Alleluia!

Not-Me Monday

I did not ignore 5 loads of laundry all weekend, and then wait until 10 minutes before bed to start folding the first finished load. I certainly did not let my handsome hubby change 99% of all LT's diapers all weekend long. And, we did not attempt to watch Becoming Jane 4 seperate occasions because the DVD from the local rental place was not scratched beyond repair. Pretty productive weekend, I guess. Yeah, right.

Pray for MckMama

Baby Stellan who was healed by God in-utero is in the hospital and very ill. Pray for God's WILL and His GLORY.